jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2014

Second class... 2.0 video ;)

I didn't write anything about our second class of TICS, well in that day the teacher gave us a little tutorial of  "how do an account in nicenet.org and how to use it", I didn't pay atention at all becouse I already now how to use it, actually while the teacher was explaining, I was working in my lap, obviously in nicenet ;).  
After the explanation of nicenet we saw a video about how have changed the technology. It says that  
web 1.0 - which was 10 years ago where you can only read information on the internet.
web 2.0 -  now, where you can read and share your own knowledge.and web 3.0 is comming. 

 For me was interesting becouse it talks about  
the past of the technology and how they are integrate. I think there are many, many, many social networks and web sites which we can find ineresting information.

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