martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

In the last class we didn't have classes! xD we did a horrible exam :'(  I had to write a lot! There were 21 questions! It wasn't difficult, but a little bit tedious. I was so tired in the question 8, but thanks god I finished it.                      
me in the final minute.

I was sure that Iwould pass my exam because I had all in my mind, but when I saw all the questions I was like ---> O_o       my goodness!

I hope to pass the exam!

Classware :D

In one class our teacher gave us instructions to do a classware. I didn't know about this thing, but in this class I learned to do it.

To start, we need to use Power Point. After that we have to do this kind of rectangles and write the name of each level. In case of my team, we only talk about one level, it was intermediate.

At the end, we discussed what we were going to put in our classware, my team in I decide to make it about clothes.
Elvira's team